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Our team has a lot of experience with such innovative projects.With top professors from the Humbold University, the FU Berlin and support from the software company SAP, we are perfectly positioned for the codeX seminar.

Prof. Dr. Christian Meske

I am Assistant Professor of Information Systems, especially Digital Transformation and Strategic Information Management at Freie Universität Berlin, and board member of the Einstein Center Digital Future (Berlin), Germany. I received my PhD from University of Muenster and was a postdoctoral coordinator of a DFG graduate school at University of Duisburg-Essen. 

Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab

I am professor for "sociology of future of work" at Humboldt-University Berlin and Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). As a sociologist I work on topics of technology, labor, political economy, political sociology and social inequality.

Dr. Norbert Koppenhagen

Nerd, VP Innovation Co-Engineering, Musician
I'm driving innovative enterprise solutions in context of Startup Engagement at SAP SE, Products & Innovations Board Area, e.g. in the areas of mobile business, fluid organizations, sustainability, business networks, team/organizational management, future learning, collaboration, digital supply chain, future engineering, urban platforms, real social media, etc.
Previously I served in SAP as VP for Research and Rapid Deployment Solutions (RDS) in the area of big data, social media analysis, natural language processing and many more. As Director for innovation concepts and supply management solutions I drove major software innovations and product launch initiatives, working from engineering labs in Germany, US and India.
I hold a Dr./PhD degree in business economics and informatics from the University of Mannheim with research focused on design principles for supply network systems.
I'm a lecturer and researcher at the University of Mannheim, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Humboldt University Berlin (HUB) for new work, urban networks, enterprise systems, business networks, Industry 4.0, IS management, and big data.
In addition I'm supporting Professorships at the Humboldt University Berlin (Economics, Business Management and Sociology). I'm founder of the big data meet-up in Rhine-Neckar region, co-founder of the big data innovation lab at the University of Mannheim, former industry chair of the European Data Forum and DESRIST research conference, and industry lead of the Memorandum of Understanding for Open Urban Platforms by the European Commission.

Dr. Magdalena Fuchs

Working as a graduate researcher for SAP, I am thrilled to link empirical research to pressing questions of today’s economy. I gained a master’s degree in psychology from Heidelberg University and am currently finishing up my PhD in economic and organizational psychology at Regensburg University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer. In my dissertation, I examined the effectiveness of different team structures in knowledge-driven organizations, providing causal evidence for the positive effect of self-organization on team decision-making. I am generally interested in social systems and their inherent dynamics, such as the emergence of hierarchy or conflicts between individual and organization/state. 

Sebastian Güntert

Intern, Future business student
I finished my school education in 2019 with the general university entrance qualification at the "Helmholtz-Gymnasium Heidelberg". Since I wanted to gain new life experiences before my studies, I did a federal volunteer service in Chile. So last year I worked as an assistant teacher at a middle school located in a socially deprived area of Santiago, teaching Mathematics and English. In Santiago in October 2019 a wave of protests started and flooded the entire country - the long lasting protests caused me to deal intensively with the chilean system of government. In Chile a neoliberal economic system is firmly anchored in the constitution hence  social inequality is growing massively, and the government is increasingly attempting to restrict freedom of expression through heavy-handed police operations. To see a democracy fail in this way motivates me to participate in such a project to make democracy more resilient for the future. In the coming winter term I will start with a business study at the LMU in Munich.
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